Today’s post was gonna be a general training type post, but then I thought instead of just posting a kick ass routine that you can follow, maybe I should kick your butts first to get into the right mindset to get going with it! 🙂 It is sad to see the health of the society around me deteriorating. Today world seems to be a mere shadow of what it was, sure technology is booming but to what expense? seems to me that our health is suffering, there is no balance in what we do. I am not saying that technology is bad, I am as much a gadget freak as everyone else, but I don’t allow that to be to the detriment of my health. Can you care too much? probably, but since it is my job, scratch that, my passion to educate and get people fit and healthy I cannot help myself. I wrote this yesterday on Facebook after some reflection…
What is stopping you?
“I see our society becoming more and more sedentary, however our bodies are built to move. Evolution has us one step away from our hunter gatherer ancestry where we had to forage and hunt for food, this instinct has never left us, however society has become lazy, as technology overwhelms our every move and thought and food has become a convenience not a life force. PeopleÂ
have forgotten how to be courageous, they have forgotten how to handle the hardship and discomfort, but would rather run to a doctor for a pill or the bottom of a pint glass before confronting what they fear. We are much more than that. It is vital we reclaim our well being through physical, mental and spiritual means. Be courageous, stand up for yourself, fight for your health, because no one else will.”
What does that mean to you? does that scare you? does it give you a realisation that things have to change, but you just see obstacles? Well guess what? obstacles are the to climb over, we are defined by our actions. Do you really want to slob in front of the TV and do nothing or do you want to stop making every excuse in the book and get off your ass and make something of your life?
Just Do It!
So those of you who think they don’t have time to get into shape and start moving I am telling you now it is an EXCUSE. you don’t need a gym, all you need is you and if you tell me that you don’t have time to spare 10-20 minutes of your day to exercise than I don’t believe you. I have dozens of clients who have kids, jobs and still come to train with me. If this is striking a chord then good, it is meant to, you CAN do this!
The only person who is stopping you is YOU!
Training Options
So Here are some training options I recommend, the first one is body weight only then second one is with minimal equipment, which is the session I did. I was short on time so I made sure i gave it MAXIMUM Effort!
Beginners Routine
Ok this is easy to blast out in 20 minutes, it that is too long, go all out on one of the 2 exercises below. You are shooting fro 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest in between. If you are doing both then give yourself 1-2 minutes rest in between. do 10 rounds of 30/30, so you will do 5 rounds of both burpees and push ups in the first part and 10 rounds of squats in the second.
1 – 2 Mins Rest
To mix this up a bit you can substitute the push ups with med ball slams to increase the metabolic resistance. Same rule applies for the first part 30/30 x 10 (30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest for 10 rounds). the second one makes use of a skipping rope and increased work/rest ratio. Remember this is meant to be challenging, do not plod along with the rope, make it difficult. You need to be moving your feet at a high cadence, so high knee sprints with the rope or double unders are best.
1 Min Rest
Skipping 60s/60s x 10
This with be very effective in getting you fit very quickly. For the more advanced practitioners these work well on days when you are not doing strength work.
Yours in Strength and Health