All posts tagged "Train Hard"
- Time under tension, the Tempo Factor
Hi Guys Just wanted to talk to you today about a training principle, which not many people use. Now I don’t know if that is because they have not heard of it, or that it is challenging...
- Posted April 10, 2013
- Full Body Functional Strength Workout
Great training session coming up for you today. As I said in my last email I like to switched things up and it is about time I dragged my arse back to where it should be, back...
- Posted March 9, 2013
- Kill or be Killed!
Hi Guys Today I am bringing you a guest post from one of my good friends, fellow fitness professional and boot camp owner Paul Wilson. This dude oozes energy and has a unique way to train both...
- Posted November 14, 2012
- Weekend Training Madness
Having had a very busy week work wise, I have had little time to put together any substantial training sessions. However, just because there is maybe little time, doesn’t mean you cannot train. Today’s training session comes...
- Posted July 26, 2010
- Spice up your Training Tabata Style!
There may be some of you thinking, so what is this tabata thing all about? well I ain’t gonna bore you with the science behind it other than it’s named after someone and it is a great...
- Posted May 20, 2010