All posts tagged "self talk"
- Simply Choose to BEgin
To become the “best version of you” you can be, you have to grow as a person. Small thinking will not get you there. You have to expand your mind and your thoughts. Contracting to expand. Moving...
- Posted December 19, 2017
- How to Feel Happy about you
Are you in pain? Why do you feel unhappy in yourself? What is causing the pain you feel …You feel unhappy… why? …You feel unloved… why? …You feel that you are not enough… why? …You feel guilt…...
- Posted February 26, 2015
- Pushing Mental Boundaries
How often do you really go for something? I mean really go balls out to achieve your goals? How far do you go and do you keep going until you achieve it? What are you trying to...
- Posted April 9, 2010
- Internal Chatter – Positive Self Talk
You know the feeling, The alarm goes off for work on a dark morning and you just want to turn over and go back to sleep. Or you are running and you are struggling to keep...
- Posted November 20, 2009