All posts tagged "positive mental attitude"
- Simply Choose to BEgin
To become the “best version of you” you can be, you have to grow as a person. Small thinking will not get you there. You have to expand your mind and your thoughts. Contracting to expand. Moving...
- Posted December 19, 2017
- Remove the Safety Net
The truth is… as much as life should be effortless it isn’t, we always get in our own way. Every time I do I look at my 12 year old son he always wears the biggest smile....
- Posted May 3, 2017
- The Businessman and the Fisherman
… and what it can teach you about yourself… “An American businessman was standing at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were...
- Posted March 21, 2016
- How To Appreciate YOUR Life Today
How to Appreciate your life TODAY! Stress is huge in peoples lives, constantly getting caught up in trivial things and making HUGE deals out of them. I know, I have been there myself, many, many...
- Posted February 16, 2016
- Wheres the Struggle?
Struggle Now there’s a word banded about so much these days. It seems like more and more we are conditioned that life should be a struggle. So much so that we buy into that story and act...
- Posted February 4, 2016