All posts tagged "mindset"
- Can You Forgive Yourself?
Forgiveness. It’s one thing forgiving others but much harder forgiving yourself. I would forgive my son I would forgive my wife I would forgive my family But i found it always easier to forgive others than forgive...
- Posted April 28, 2018
- Simply Choose to BEgin
To become the “best version of you” you can be, you have to grow as a person. Small thinking will not get you there. You have to expand your mind and your thoughts. Contracting to expand. Moving...
- Posted December 19, 2017
- Remove the Safety Net
The truth is… as much as life should be effortless it isn’t, we always get in our own way. Every time I do I look at my 12 year old son he always wears the biggest smile....
- Posted May 3, 2017
- Your Health is Worth How Much?
*** YOUR HEALTH IS WORTH HOW MUCH?? *** How much is your health worth to you? A simple question that gets overlooked… until something happens to compromise it. We are so good at taking health for granted...
- Posted December 2, 2016
- What Are Your Addictions?
*** ADDICTION *** To Start Changing the world, or even just YOUR world, then you have to start by changing yourself. To change yourself you first have to be aware of any denial you have...
- Posted November 10, 2016