All posts tagged "featured"

  • Dean Coulson - Why diet drinks make you fat
    8 Reasons Why Diet Drinks Make You Fat

    There is no way of getting around it. If you are drinking fizzy drinks especially diet drinks then your there is a good chance that your health will be compromised. Sorry to be the bearer of bad...

    • Posted April 14, 2016
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  • mexican-fisherman
    The Businessman and the Fisherman

    … and what it can teach you about yourself… “An American businessman was standing at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were...

    • Posted March 21, 2016
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  • too much stuff
    Do You Have too Much Baggage to Succeed?

    Have you ever noticed? It seems as if we spend the first part of our lives collecting things…material possessions, and general baggage to try and make us happy. we are convinced that buy shiny objects will lead...

    • Posted March 14, 2016
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  • power of gratitude
    The Power Of Gratitude

    What are you grateful for? I am seeing more and more when I don’t practice gratitude, I find myself focusing on the wrong things… Why my business idea has not worked? Why are they having a go...

    • Posted February 25, 2016
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  • 2 shoe salesmen
    The Two Shoe Salemen

    This is one of my favourite stories with a HUGE lesson for you…   Once upon a time there were two shoe salesmen.   They were both sent to the same distant third world country by their...

    • Posted February 23, 2016
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