All posts tagged "featured"
- Can You Forgive Yourself?
Forgiveness. It’s one thing forgiving others but much harder forgiving yourself. I would forgive my son I would forgive my wife I would forgive my family But i found it always easier to forgive others than forgive...
- Posted April 28, 2018
- Simply Choose to BEgin
To become the “best version of you” you can be, you have to grow as a person. Small thinking will not get you there. You have to expand your mind and your thoughts. Contracting to expand. Moving...
- Posted December 19, 2017
- Remove the Safety Net
The truth is… as much as life should be effortless it isn’t, we always get in our own way. Every time I do I look at my 12 year old son he always wears the biggest smile....
- Posted May 3, 2017
- Your Health is Worth How Much?
*** YOUR HEALTH IS WORTH HOW MUCH?? *** How much is your health worth to you? A simple question that gets overlooked… until something happens to compromise it. We are so good at taking health for granted...
- Posted December 2, 2016
- What Does Health Really Mean?
The definitive guide to healthy living and vitality Everyone I come across believes that they are healthy. But here’s the rub. Most are not. They believe it because of the amount of myths that perpetuate regarding...
- Posted November 19, 2016