All posts tagged "fat loss"
- The Omega Conundrum
Why You Need More Fat in Your Life I am going to tackle head on something that has almost become a dirty word and what everyone fears…. FAT! Fat gets such a bad rap, so much so...
- Posted December 24, 2014
- Supplementation for Health and Performance
I am a big fan of supplementation. Make no mistake though supplements do not make up for a poor diet. Nutrition is paramount. Once you clean that up, then you look at whether there is a...
- Posted September 9, 2014
- Overcoming Your OWN Objections
When people come to me for help there is usually a number of “reasons” why they stop themselves from their weight loss struggles. Lets see which ones you can relate too… #1 Your “Problems” If there’s going to...
- Posted September 4, 2014
- The Cortisol Connection
Reduce Stress, Maximise Performance? This month I wanted to cover why we are all in danger of getting burnt out by the stressful living we all seem to endure in this modern world we live in....
- Posted April 9, 2014
- Insulin – Friend or Foe?
Insulin – Friend or Foe? This month I wanted to look at the second of the most important hormones in our bodies and that is INSULIN. This bad boy, Like Leptin (See Here) is a master control...
- Posted January 2, 2014