Happiness Is…

Does this sound familiar…
When I achieve this I will be happy
When I buy that I will be happy
When I go there I will be happy
When I have the money to do what I want I will be happy
and therein lies the problem.
thinking that happiness is a destination is flawed thinking
you have everything you need to be happy right now.
If you feel unhappy or frustrated with how your life is going then you have the power to change it.
To have a different outcome in your life, simply choose to change your thoughts about it.
You cannot think the same thing, say the same thing and do the same thing and expect a different outcome. You have to change something.
So if it is happiness you seek then simply choose to be happy now.
Choose from right this minute to only do things that make you happy.
you see happiness is the journey you are on, not the destination you have to get to.
so what one thing can you change today, what thought can you challenge to change the outcome of your day?
remember your health is your wealth. Stop chasing your health and happiness and simply decide right now to create a journey of happiness instead of thinking if you just do this or buy that will lead to it.
there is no cart before the horse, just like there is no journey to find happiness. Simply decide to BE happy and then take steps every day to BE happy in everything you do.
Dean x