All Good Things…

By on September 29, 2015
Daen Coulson - waiting for ship

What are you waiting for?

Have you ever heard the Saying…

“All good things come to those who wait”

Well I am calling that out. Nothing just appears whilst you waiting around having good thoughts.

You have to action it, you have to do tangible things everyday to MAKE those good things happen

so really it should be…

” All good things come to those who work for it”.

Anything worth having is worth the wait but in the mean time you’ve still got to be working hard for it.

Nothing worth having comes easy either.

Only Hard work, dedication and dogged determination and persistence with give you what you want.

That dream body that you want may take a while but fact is the instant you start exercising and eating healthy regardless of how you look your automatically going to feel 10 times better. It’s still a step forward.

so take the steps, every single day

It’s not about how many times you fall down or fail it’s about how you get back up and keep going.

Keep building that boat, keep working hard and what you deserve will be right around the corner.

If you want help with changing your eating habits, getting fitter, getting more energy and actually loving your reflection in the mirror again then let me know by clicking the link below and we can have a chat to see how I can help you achieve it

Truth, Courage, Happiness




About Dean Coulson

• International Best Selling Author of the Fit Formula • Feature writer on Nutrition for the Uk’s biggest selling Martial arts magazine – Martial Arts Illustrated • Presenter & speaker - Tour the UK with Bafta Award Winning writer Geoff Thompson. ( ) • Owner and Performance coach at Assert Fitness Ltd. Taking our clients Dreams and makes them a reality, through the realms of coaching all aspects of health and fitness to busy professionals. • ,

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